Commercial Roof Supplements
Commercial roof supplements are extra costs that contractors add to an insurance claim for a commercial rooftop repair. These extras usually require local building codes, OSHA regulations, or insurance policies. A roofing contractor may ask for additional materials, labor, or trades to be added if he thinks his original estimate needs to be revised.
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All Services include the following:
Reinspections (denial/partial approvals)
Requirements of Supplement Coverage
An adjuster may need to include the right number of materials, labor, safety provisions, or project management expenses to get the job done properly. Building codes or OSHA regulations sometimes require the missing items. When this happens, the contractor adds a new Xactimate estimate to include those missing items. He also provides supporting documents, including photos, measurements, local codes, OSHA requirements, invoices, and other evidence explaining why these funds are necessary.
Contractors must also provide supporting documentation to justify why these funds are needed. For example, they might submit photos showing damaged shingles or invoices showing the repair cost.
Why should you supplement commerical Roof Jobs?
Insurance companies pay contractors to do estimates on commercial roof jobs. These estimates determine whether or not there is enough coverage on the job. The insurance company will issue a supplemental payment to the contractor if the estimate doesn't cover the project's cost. However, if the estimate does cover the cost of the job, the insurance company won't issue any additional payments.
If you underbid the job, you'll pay more than necessary. On the flip side, you might not receive the supplemental payment if you overbid the job. Either way, you'll lose credibility. To avoid these problems, you must accurately calculate the costs associated with commercial roof jobs. This requires specialized software that calculates the exact quantity of materials needed for the job. By doing this, you'll be able to provide an accurate estimate to the insurance company and avoid unnecessary expenses.
When to start supplementing a commercial roofing job?
Pre-production supplements should be submitted as soon as the full cost of the claim is known. You don't want to schedule an installation until after the adjuster and carrier have settled the claim. This gives you more time to coordinate the work and payment schedules.
You may find that your insurer sends an additional ACV check once the Pre-Production supplement is accepted. You'll receive an extra check for line items added to the original estimate. This can add significant value to your business by allowing you to book more jobs simultaneously.
Make sure you submit pre-production supplements as soon as the full costs of the claim are known. This will give you more lead time in coordinating the work and payment schedules and improve your cash flow.
RISE Roofing Supplements - Reliable Supplement Claim Service
Why should you consider hiring a company like RISE Roofing Supplements?
RISE Roofing Supplements is a supplementing company specializing in writing commercial roofing estimates and supplements for commercial roofing jobs across the country. We've seen firsthand how beneficial it can be for our customers. Our goal is to provide our customers with the most competitive pricing possible without sacrificing quality.
We specialize in writing commercial roofing supplements for large commercial roofing jobs. These include industrial buildings, warehouses, manufacturing facilities, hospitals, universities, apartment complexes, office buildings, hotels, casinos, malls, etc.
How much can supplementing make you?
Our services include estimating, project management, inspection, warranty, and repair. We even have a dedicated team of estimators who specialize in writing commercial roof estimates for large commercial roofing projects.
We understand that there are many factors involved in determining the price of a commercial roof job. We'll discuss those factors during the estimate process, so you can feel confident knowing you're getting the best deal possible.
We can quickly identify any issues with your property and address them immediately. We can also help you avoid common mistakes that lead to costly repairs. If you'd like to discuss whether or not RISE Roofing Supplements is a good fit for your commercial roofing needs, please reach out to us today!